Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just shoot me!!!!!!

This last week we have been moving mom or grandma to Atria. I went over for church Sunday. It was an interesting experience. Some were asleep and some would just talk out as the branch Pres. councilor would give the announcements and I think some were half way between here and the presence of the almighty. The singing time was interesting and something one would just have to experience and I think you all should. The best news is their meeting is only 45 minutes long. The real thing I came away with was the idea that they shoot race horses when they retire or as my friend Bruce says wait until your old and then take up dangerous sports like skydiving. I asked my brother if he had seen Second Hand Lions? If you have there is a part at the end where the two old guys build a airplane and try to fly it through the barn after a beautiful day of flying and they did not make it. Anyway I told my brother maybe it is time to start building the plane just to be ready.